XDA-Developer coolbho3000 has released a workaround that overclocks the XOOM’s dual-core 1GHz ARM-Cortex-A9 based Nvidia Tegra 2 SoC by 50 percent – 1.5GHz. However, this requires unlocking XOOM’s bootloader and rooting it.
Follow the instructions:
1. Make sure you’ve unlocked your Xoom’s bootloader for flashing first, then root it.
2. Grab this zip and extract it.
3. Reboot into the bootloader by running:
adb reboot bootloader
4. Flash the boot image to your boot partition by running:
fastboot flash boot xoom_ocboot.img
5. Push the bcm4329.ko to your /system/lib/modules folder and reboot to re-enable wifi:
adb remount
adb push bcm4329.ko /system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko
adb reboot
6. Enjoy the new power!
Checkout the video below:
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Source:Google Reader