As per Voice of Smart Insights " Top ranking Social Media or Social Networking platform Facebook with over 1.870 million active users and Social Media App Facebook Messenger belong to 1.000 million active users so this is the time to grow audience engagement within an hour after publish a content using Social Media Website or Social Media App as Facebook , Facebook Messenger, Facebook Page Manger ,Facebook Business Manager WhatsApp ,Twitter , Instagram, Pinterest , LinkedIn ,QQ,WeChat,QZone,tumblr, Baidu Tieba,Snapchat etc.
Is this well enough just using an app to grow audience engagement ?
No never , It's not well enough or not true that just using Social Media Apps Or Social Media Websites , You will able to grow your content engagement by in day or an hour but if you have an analytical and growth hacking super sense than you will able to drive your audience towards your content .
Seem that you are not a Social Media Super Hero but trying to be a Social Media ninja or guru than I will suggest you to follow below formula for getting Social Media Engagement result within an hour .
Growth Hacking Math of Driving Traffic on Social Media :-
Labels- Facebook , Off Page - SEO , Social Media , Social Media Campaign , Social Media Toolkit