Also allows remote connectivity to Valentina Servers and extensible with visual Valentina Reports. Build Cocoa apps with Valentina!
Version 4.8.1:
- [NEW] Valentina for Cocoa Interface Builder Plugin
- [NEW] With Valentina Studio Pro, convert Xcode Data Model to Valentina Data Model Automatically
- [Other] Test for Valentina Enumerator objects
- [Other] Project for testing Valentina 4.8 Cocoa features
- [NEW] VTableEnumerator object
- [NEW] VLinkEnumerator object
- [NEW] VFieldEnumerator object
- [Other] [NEW] FastEnumeration protocol for enumerating fields in VCursor
- [NEW] VTable linkEnumerator method
- [NEW] VCursor fieldEnumerator method
- [Other] [NEW] VDatabase linkEnumerator method
- [API] VDatabase tableEnumerator method
- [Other] Use NSInteger instead of int to supress compiler warnings
- [API] DateComponents method of VDate and VDateTime Autoreleased object - resolved.
- [NEW] V4CC/iV4CC Frameworks should work in GC-enabled apps
- [Fields] Setting numeric fields by object value more than once issue - resolved.
- [NEW] [Cursors] ADD VCursor( KVC ) category with valueForKey, setValue:forKey
- [SQL] Getting DateTimeFormat property of database from V4CC SqlSelect issue - resolved.
- [Examples] [NEW] Example that show usage of VCursor KVC in bindings of Interface Builder
- [NEW] Multi-threaded sort algorithm
- [API] [NEW] Valentina_CopyCursorToNewTable() function
- [NEW] [Properties] Property to database - UserTableCount
- [SQL Explain] EXPLAIN now prints info about materialization of VIEWs and SubQueries.
- [Properties] [NEW] Global property LogFilesLocation
- [SQL Explain] [NEW] Explain now prints time of DISTINCT clause.
- [SQL Explain] [NEW] Explain now prints time of RECORD LOCKS
- [SQL Explain] [NEW] Explain now prints ORDER BY time
- Mac OS X 10.4 or later
- Apple xCode 2.4 or later
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Sources : Google Reader