
Why is the discovered URL isn't on Google nor indexed?

 I, Momenul Ahmad publicly asked this titled FAQ on Quora, Why is the discovered URL neither on Google nor indexed? and request the answer from Quora Followers (most answered Search Console experts) also request the answers to Google Search Console (GSC) strategists (previously named Google Webmaster) on Quora and got the tremendous feedback for Non- Indexed Google discovered URL No On Google, Read the answers, give the feedback.

Quora answers list of discovered URL either not on Google or not indexed: 

Answer byDaniel ChvatikCTO Highline Residential and Apollo Data Solutions.

  • Google cannot find the URL on its own (i.e. there are no public links to it)
  • Google cannot access the link (due to authentication or another block such as a 4xx or 5xx error or a firewall/bot block)
  • Google has been asked not to index the page (via robots.txt or meta tag no-index)
  • The webmaster has asked Google to remove the page from the index (they typically only do that for non-accessible or blocked pages so it would be in conjunction with one of the items above)
  • Google didn’t get around to crawling the page yet (if it’s new for an example or very deeply nested in the navigation), Read more

There could be a few reasons why a URL is not indexed by Google:

Answer by
Nikolaj Antonov

Experto autorizado de productos de Google

Currently at NikAnt Webkonsult AB 

Check the value of this status

Discovered - currently not indexed: The page was found by Google, but not crawled yet. Typically, Google wanted to crawl the URL but this was expected to overload the site; therefore Google rescheduled the crawl. This is why the last crawl date is empty on the report.

It is likely that your website is performing poorly and this, in turn, has a negative effect on Google's crawling budget

The crawl rate can go up and down based on a couple of factors: Read more.

Answer by

John Koala

Electrical engineering, technical CS, data science. Science and technology enthusiast, enterpreneur.

  1. Crawl requests are handled by an army of independent servers, that means a crawl request can be answered by one, multiple or no servers.
  1. Once a site was crawled it will be analyzed for javascript, CSS and similar things.
  1. This can cause additional crawls which will again do the same thing.
  1. Completely independent from that the raw data will be analyzed at a later time, put into databases with the right keywords and weighted for initial “importance”. Read more.

Google does these things, not in one step, they are handled “asynchronous”.

discovered URL neither not on Google or nor indexed

Identifying having issues with discovered but not indexed URLs, absent Google URL on Google Search Console, Read more on SEOSiri and unfold the fullest for Discovered URL is not on Google.