
Mobile Unlocking & Jailbreaking

White House petition to legalize mobile unlocking reaches 100K goal
The petition asking the White House to consider removing ban on mobile unlockinghas reached its 100K goal, which means we can expect an official response.
Petition asks Obama to legalize unlocking of mobile phones | Mobile ...
Petition to reverse a decision by the Library of Congress making the unlocking ofmobile phones illegal needs 15000 more signatures by Saturday.
"Mobile Unlocking DMCA Exemption" Petition Passes 100k by S ...
Mobile Unlocking DMCA Exemption” Petition Passes 100k by S. Frank. Posted by: J. Wolffe on February 21, 2013. cellphone_users All eyes are on the White ...
White House petition to legalize mobile unlocking ... - Android Ray
I almost thought we'd never make it. After almost 30 days, the White House petition to lift the ban on mobile unlocking has reached — and surpassed — its 1.

Safe iOS 6.1.2 Unlock/ Jailbreak iPhone 5/4S/4/3GS Untethered on iOS 6.0.1/2 ...
PressReleasesOnline.Net (press release)
Following the release of iOS 6.0.2/6.0.1, many users are looking for an unlock andjailbreak iPhone 5/4/4S/3Gs iOS 6.0.1/6.0.2, Take advantage of some of the great new things it allows you to do, especially with the Notification Center. We are once ...
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How to jailbreak your iPhone | Macworld
If you want to jailbreak an iPhone running iOS 6.0 or 6.1, it can be done, and Chris Breen explains how.
Jailbreak iOS 6.1.2 Untethered On iPhone 5, 4S, iPod touch And All ...
Evasi0n 1.4 has just been released to jailbreak iOS 6.1.2 untethered on iPhone 5 , 4S, 4, 3GS, iPod touches, and all other devices. You can download the latest ...
These apps make jailbreaking your iPhone or iPad worthwhile | The ...
The iPhone is one of the most advanced smartphones in the world, but it's still being held back from its true potential. That's because Apple is strict about ...