
Mobile API

Urban Airship and Kinvey Integration Streamlines Data-Driven Mobile App ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Kinvey, which makes it easy for developers to set up, operate and manage scalable cloud backends for mobile, tablet and web applications, has integrated its API and libraries with Urban Airship's, to enable sending push notifications to devices running ...
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YouTube Gets Better Mobile Video Playback With Dedicated API
To help improve the exploding traffic that mobile video is driving, Google will be releasing a YouTube Android Player API. It promises to deliver videos that are “high quality, fast and sleek.” Such a change would be much appreciated as YouTube videos ...
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Placecast Launches First White-label HTML5 Mobile Wallet for Credit Card ...
San Francisco Chronicle
Unlike other mobile wallet offerings, Placecast will white-label the product specifically to credit card companies, mobile operators and retailers through a robust set of API's, or through the reskinnable HTML5 Wallet. To process payments securely, the ...
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Adigami Introduces REST API for Mobile Advertising Reporting
PR Leap (press release)
Adigami has introduced a REST API for reporting on mobile advertising campaigns from services such as Yahoo! Mobile and Verve Wireless. The API makes it easy for companies to access their data through a single gateway and significantly reduces ...
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Going Mobile with AppDynamics REST API
SYS-CON Media (press release) (blog)
Its always great when customers want to build their own applications on top of your data and platform. A few weeks back one of our customers in Europe decided to build their own mobile application, so they could monitor the performance of their ...
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SYS-CON Media (press release) (blog)
What's New In Android 4.1?
With Jelly Bean, Android has become the benchmark of what a mobile OS should be with iOS and Windows Phone trying to catch up with it. ... Gesture mode: New APIs for accessibility services let you handle gestures and manage accessibility focus. Now you ...
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Dolphin Browser opens API to third-party apps, Dropbox, Evernote join the party
... and it wants to continue its lead as the top third-party browser for mobile. Dolphin developer MoboTap said its new “Dolphin Garage” initiative will give developers access to more than 150 internal APIs so they can do all kinds of crazy things with ...
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Placecast unveils ShopAlerts mobile wallet
The HTML5-based solution can be integrated into existing mobile apps by credit card companies,mobile operators and retailers through a set of Placecast's API, or through the company's “reskinnable” HTML 5 Wallet. [end]. Related Articles. Paydiant's ...
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Google adds public transit data to Maps API
Now developers plugging Google's Maps product into their web and mobileapplications can provide their users with public transit routes, color-coded transit layers, and schedules, Google Maps API product manager Thor Mitchell announced during a session ...
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API_Platform topics | API Best Practices Blog
Tags: API economy, API Platform, chet. Mobile, Social, and cloud computing are driving huge changes in how enterprises connect and engage with their ...