iPhone Dev-Team has kept their promise and the tragic drama has over with the release of redsn0w 0.9.6RC9 untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.1. They have finally released untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.1 via Redsn0w and PwnageTool. iPad 2 is still not included in this jailbreak. Other supporting devices are iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad (1st-gen) and iPod touch 3G/4G on the newly released iOS 4.3.1 firmware.
iPhone security expert and hacker Stefan Esser, already demoed it on his iPod touch last week before handing it over to the Dev-Team to do the rest.
With this new version of Redsn0w and PwnageTool, you can jailbreak on the above mentioned devices, fully untethered on iOS 4.3.1.
Here’s the complete step by step guideline.
Step 1: At first download iOS 4.3.1, Redsn0w 0.9.6RC9 for Windows ,Redsn0w 0.9.6RC9 for Mac , iTunes 10.2.1 for Windows or Mac
***Upgrade Your iPhone 4 to iOS 4.3.1 Without Upgrading the Baseband [How To for Mac]
***Upgrade Your iPhone 4 to iOS 4.3.1 Without Upgrading the Baseband [How To for Windows]
Step 2: Update/Restore to iOS 4.3.1 firmware using the IPSW file you just downloaded via iTunes 10.2.1.
Step 3: Start Redsn0w and point it to the official iOS 4.3.1 firmware file.
Step 4: Now select “Install Cydia” and click “Next”. Optionally (if available), you can also select any other option you like.
Step 5: Make sure your device is both OFF and PLUGGED IN to the computer before you click “Next”.
At this stage you will be presented with a screen where you will be guided on how to enter DFU mode. Quickly hold “Power” button and then while holding the “Power” button, you will now have to hold “Home” button too. Now after few seconds release “Power” button but keep holding “Home” button until installation begins.
Step 6: Sit back and enjoy while Redsn0w does the rest for you. Once done, your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch will restart automatically and you will find it fully jailbroken (untethered) on the latest iOS 4.3.1 firmware.
That’s it.
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